Olbermann on the GOP and 9/11™

11 09 2008

Episode 31 – North by Northwest

10 09 2008

This week’s show:

We start by bashing the pick for VP by the McCain camp – Sarah Palin, and her wacky views on abstinence only education. We also talk about John McCain and his strange discussion with union workers. We run through the RIAA and the silly policy of having schools as enforcers.

We review North by Northwest. Tom and Cecil find it to be one of the most boring films ever made. Tom rates it .075 and Cecil gives it a .25, both call it unwatchably bad.

We finish the show by talking about the moon landing hoax nutters and the great episode of Mythbusters where they demolish the controversy.

We abort the Critical Reinterpretation. If you want to hear more reinterpretations, send us an e-mail and let us know.


I got resurrected right in the face….

19 08 2008

Douchebag healer can raise the dead.

Here is a great story and an amusing chat about it between Cecil and Tom.

Cecil: this dude is the real deal

Thomas: kicked in the face to be healed?
Its the octagon of healing

Cecil: look in order to get people’s attention, you have to be an entertainer too!
I wonder if it was like a James Brown kick. like we was pacing back and forth… then screamed like “GaWD! Hit me!
kick to the face
person slumps
he says hallelujah and knees a prostrate cancer patient in the balls

Thomas: This guy is awesome. By the power vested in me with this spinning backfist, I now pronounce you healed. Except your jaw. I broke that.
Also, he claims to raise the dead

Cecil: yeah, who doesn’t these days. I think it’s resurrection days down at KFC

Thomas: LOL

Thomas: real buffalo in the buffalo wings too

Cecil: it’s amazing they can fly with those little guys

Thomas: They’re like bumblebees. No one knows.
except science

Cecil: yeah but science probably can’t raise you from the dead. I mean God can… or at least this guy can

Robot with Rat Brain.

18 08 2008

We’d like to take a moment at Everyone’s a Critic to welcome our Rat/Robot overlords!

(Thanks to Circle for the video)

Episode 30 – Sunset Boulevard

17 08 2008

This week’s show

Otter waiting patiently for the sea to do it's thing.
Otter waiting patiently for
the sea to do it’s thing

We start out by talking about Rush Limbaugh and his musings about the Exxon Valdez, the idiotic remarks of Representative Sali and how oil can come from trees, and Walmart’s plan to remain union free. We review Sunset Blvd. Tom thinks this movie is very good and rates it 4.125, Cecil thinks it’s good, but not spectacular and rates it a little lower at 3.5. Tom and Cecil then discuss using religion as a shield and some equal opportunity religion bashing. They finish with a Critical Reinterpretation of TPain’s “Low”


Episode 29 – Citizen Kane

9 07 2008

This Week’s Show:

We start the show this time reading e-mail and then moving on to some news items. We talk about Ted Haggard and his departure from a restoration program and the New Life Church. We also talk about Fox and the journalistic integrity they show, as well as Muslims and bomb sniffing dogs. We move on to Citizen Kane, Tom and Cecil both think it is shot well but the story leaves a lot to be desired. We both rate it 1.0, just like AFI. We move on to capitol punishment and talk about the supreme court decision on that topic. We finish with a Critical Reinterpretation of Getcha Groove on, by Limp Bizkit.

Also we say goodbye to George Carlin. Here is one of our favorite bits.


Episode 28 – Juno

17 06 2008

This Week’s Show:

We cover all the different Obama attacks on Fox, the Terrorist Fist Jab, the Osama/Obama and the Michele Obama is a baby mama. We also talk about how the Republican Nominee for president doesn’t know how to use a computer. We alsp discuss the supreme court ruling on the granting of Habeus Corpus to Gitmo inmates. We then move on to Juno, Tom likes it and gives it a 4.17 Cecil thinks it benefits from multiple. viewings as well and gives it a higher 4.61. We talk about abortion and the lack of discourse on the subject and then end the show by reinterpreting Manowar, Kings of Metal. Which has an awesome video.


Episode 27: Silence of the Lambs

25 05 2008

This Week’s Show:

We cover some e-mails and then talk about the racist Obama tee Shirts in Georgia, then discuss John McCain and Rev. Hagee and the asinine things that dimwit says. We also talk about a psychic detective case in Illinois. We focus on Silence of the Lambs. We both love it. Tom gives it a 4.85 and Cecil rates it 4.6. We also discuss some myths about poverty and welfare. We finish the show with Manford Mann’s ~ Blinded by the Light and ask our question to the audience: what is a misheard funny lyric to a song that you thought was a real part of the tune. Cecil’s is here.


Episode 26 – Dr. Strangelove

12 05 2008

This Week’s Episode:

We start out by going over some e-mail responses to our questions. Then we talk about Justice Scalia and his comments about torture. We also discuss Jeremiah Wright and his comments. We review Dr. Strangelove – Tom doesn’t think it is that bad and gives it a 2.85, Cecil thinks it is an absolute failure and gives it a .67. Tom and Cecil visit the psychics again and talk about yearly predictions. They finish up with a critical reinterpretation of Missy Elliott’s – “Ching a Ling.”


We had some problems with the sound at the end of this episode, so we remixed it and reloaded it. If you were one of the first people to download it, you may have to download it again to get the correct version.

Episode 25: Psycho

24 04 2008

This Week’s Show:

We talk about some e-mails and then rail on Rep. Monique Davis for her idiotic attack on an atheist, then we laugh about all the people trying to blow out China’s candle. We discuss the irrelevance of the current Olympic games and ask the audience to come up with new events. We move on to the focus: Psycho.
Tom doesn’t think it is pull your eyes out bad and gives it a 2.0, Cecil loathes it and gives it a 1.4. We then finish our two part Critics on Cons, this time going after Intelligent Design as science. We also talk about the new movie by total douche Ben Stein called Expelled. We finish with a lightning fast reading of Blur ~ Song 2.